Wouldn’t it be amazing if changing your mood were as simple as ticking off items on a to-do list, like going to the grocery store? Well, it is—kind of.

So often, we think of our mood as a runaway train with a demon driver. Not so. You’re at the wheel. When you’re having an off day, this checklist of six simple activities can help shake-up your thinking, moving you from a negative to a positive space. Practice one, or all six, and take back control of your mood.

1. Go outside—really, just do it.

Maybe working remotely has turned you into a hobbit. In this pandemic world, it’s understandable. But staying indoors all the time is robbing you of natural mood boosters. Recent research from the University of York found that outdoor, nature-based activities, such as gardening and hiking, can help improve mood, lessen anxiety, and increase positive emotions. If nature isn’t close by, research also shows that simply getting some sun can boost your mood. In part, that’s because sun exposure appears to enhance the brain’s production of serotonin, a chemical that helps lift moods. There’s a world beyond your computer screen—go outside and experience it.

2. Make yourself laugh.

Dig up a rerun of a favorite sitcom. Watch a laugh-out-loud comedian on Netflix. Start your day with a YouTube clip of pandas wrestling. No judgment—just incorporate laughter and smiling into your day. Research from the University of Basel found that people who laugh frequently may be better equipped to handle difficult events (like a huge presentation or negotiating for a raise), because laughter acts as a buffer to anxiety and stress. It also helps reduce your heart rate and blood pressure, leading to feelings of relaxation.

3. Jump on the leisure bandwagon.

Research shows that leisure has positive mental health benefits. But for a lot of people, detaching and unwinding is difficult and feels wasteful. Unfortunately, these people also are likely to be more depressed and stressed than their leisure-loving counterparts, according to research in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. To make leisure more appealing, try reframing it as part of a productive goal, suggests the study’s author. For example, build a daily walk into part of a larger fitness plan, or plan time to watch a movie in a foreign language as part of an effort to learn a second language.

4. Steal time for a nap.

First, let’s acknowledge that napping isn’t always possible. But if you can make it work, taking a nap when you’re feeling off can prove beneficial. Your ability to control your emotions can become impaired throughout the day (ever found yourself reaching for a bag of chips by 3 p.m.?). However, research shows that a 60-minute nap can be an effective countermeasure, helping zap frustration and impulsivity. If an hour nap is just not possible, evidence suggests that even a 10 to 30 minute nap can improve your mood and productivity.

5. Plan some fun.

If your calendar looks like a failed game of Tetris, remind yourself that you’re the master of your agenda by planning something fun—dinner out, a phone check-in with a distant friend, an early night in bed with a book. Giving yourself something to look forward to puts the control back in your hands. Plus, research suggests that even anticipating a fun event boosts our mood, because it activates a neural mechanism associated with higher levels of well-being. Whether it’s a big vacation or a night in watching a movie, get planning.

6. Tune in to music.

Regardless of genre, or whether you get up and boogie or sit and tap your foot, listening to music is a quick way to counteract negative feelings. That’s right, studies indicate that listening to music can improve your mood, help ward off depression, and lower levels of stress-inducing hormones. So scroll to that playlist of “hearted” songs, or put on that favorite vinyl, and enjoy.