Most of us go to great lengths to avoid change. We eat at the same restaurants, take the same routes to work, and stay in the same relationships or jobs—even when they no longer suit us.

No matter how hard we try, however, we simply can’t outrun change—for better or worse, it is inevitable. Our jobs and roles shift, companies reorganize, relationships evolve, and sometimes we even face a global pandemic. As ironic as it is, change may very well be the only constant.

So…are you ready for it?

Since the beginning of time, our brains have done the following calculation: Change equals uncertainty, which equals a threat to our survival. This logic was well and good back when simple equations ensured success. But today, with our environments changing at faster and faster rates, we need to be swift, change-ready and even change embracing.

Here are four steps to optimizing your resilience and moving from change-resistant to change ready:

1. Confront Your “Change Response”

Everyone has a gut reaction to change. Not sure what yours is? Picture this: You’ve been working on a project for months when, just a week before it’s due, your manager informs you that the direction has changed. Quick: What’s your first thought?

For some, it’s, “This isn’t fair, I’ve put so much time into this!” For others, it’s, “This requires energy that I just don’t have.” In other words, “I’m over it.” And so on. How you react to change is likely influenced by ingrained experiences from when you were a kid. Maybe you moved a lot growing up and learned that change comes at the cost of things you’ve worked hard to build. Or you learned that starting over actually isn’t so scary after all. Either way, noting your change response is the first step toward, well, changing it.

2. See the Positives

We know that our brains register change as a threat and start to prepare for the worst. However, there are upsides to change and downsides to not changing. To see the bigger picture at play, make a pros and cons list that looks like this:

Pros of staying the same: Pros of making the change:
Cons of staying the same: Cons of making the change:

This process will help shift your mindset out of the threat state and into a state of change readiness.

3. Visualize Your Success

Once you are in a headspace of change readiness, take it one step further to begin actually embracing change. You can do this by visualizing your success. Take the upsides of change that you identified (what could go right) and envision the best possible outcome (what could go really well). Picture what it will look like in as much detail as possible: What will it look, feel, and sound like when you achieve this goal? Numerous studies point to the power of visualization. When you start to envision the outcome you want, your brain and body start physically aligning to make it a reality.

4. Build Change Confidence

As with any other skill, embracing change takes practice. Making regular low-stakes changes in a safe, controlled environment can build your comfort with unpredictability to help you override the fear that change often triggers.

Challenge yourself to make one small change each week. Try working from a different location, ordering from a new restaurant, or switching up your workout routine. The more you practice making changes on your terms, the more confident you’ll feel in the face of change that isn’t on your terms. You’ll quickly see that you are able to survive—and even thrive—in unpredictable situations. And who knows, you may even discover a new favorite restaurant in the process.